Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm packed and ready to go!

I had a dream last night that I was getting ready for a trip. I'm getting dressed, packing my bags and checking my flight time. I look at the clock and see that I have plenty of time to get it all done. I smile and delight in that as I walk to the kitchen to make myself another cup of coffee. Calm and centered, I wake up.

I'm starting this blog not just to vent all my frustrations, challenges, moments of inspiration, great and lame ideas, but also because it is time I get out there!!! I've been on this quest now for 3 years, really like all 28 years, of my life trying to speak my truth. My truth is in my voice and my voice is this miraculous gift that can transform on paper, on canvas, in movement and in the mere being as a authentic human.

I'm starting this blog to create a space for my voice, for my artwork, for my passions and concerns, and most importantly to be seen. I've struggled for years with this fear of really being seen, of being too big, too loud, too special. Fears that stem from childhood and the oh-so-common fucked up psychology that everyone can claim as their own as well. But I have decided that these fears need to cease! They serve no more purpose in my life except to paralyze me and doubt myself. Well, times they are a changin' and I am ready to push forward and begin to release those fears. Now as I am in the final stages of finishing my thesis and graduating from the most powerful transformation yet, I am embarking on yet another transformation, a journey.

I am setting out on a journey to claim my voice, own my body and position in the world, to be seen by others and in the world, and above explore the infinite abyss that is this world.

Thanks for joining me and I hope to see a lot of you! ; )

1 comment:

  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!! yes! you are making room for who you be in this big blue miracle of this moment in time. i love that you will be living out loud here, my dear. can't wait to keep keepin'on this big ole' road we're on...
    love that i have you to walk it with.

    yes! for your voice and your words and your deep wisdom. yes! to you!
